State Research Center of the Russian Federation

2, Avtomotornaya st


Scientific activity

Conduction of research and development with training of skilled staff in prospective areas, training of postgraduate students and PhD candidates, advanced professional training of the industry specialists.

<span>Сборник</span> «Труды НАМИ»

Collection of scientific articles “Trudy NAMI”

In 1923, for the purpose of familiarizing the readers with the works of Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Engines Institute and the theoretical and practical achievements in the sphere of automotive industry, the Institute established a scientific publication of “The Byulleten' Nauchno-avtomotornogo Instituta” with E.A. Chudakov as the Editor-in-Chief.


Post-graduate school

Postgraduate programs exist in FSUE "NAMI" since 1931 and are the main source of top staff training.